Finger painting - the perfect craft for all children to take part in during the holiday season, create quick and easy designs with fantastic results.
Here we have collected our favourite designs for you to follow along with, so grab the paint and let’s get messy!
In part 1 we will show you how to create a Snowman, Reindeer and Christmas Wreath Christmas card.
For this you will need:

- Paint! A more opaque paint like acrylic works best for this.
- Paper/ cards to print your design onto
- Pens, pom poms, stickers… anything you want to decorate your pictures with!

- Thumbprint head
- Pinky print ears
- Index finger red nose
- When dry draw on details and add a pom pom nose

- Paint the top half of your hand and all finger white, then press on to page.
- Use the side of a finger to add the scarves.
- Add dots of white behind family for snow!
- When draw draw on details.

- Mix a dark and light green. (Just add more blue to one and more yellow to the other!)
- Add dots in a circle in the dark green colour, leave some gaps between leaves.
- Add more dots in the gaps in the lighter green colour.
- When dry add more dots on top in red for berries!
Top tips!
- Different fingers are different sizes, play with these to create different designs.
- Adding white dots behind your drawing is a great way to create a snowy winter atmosphere.
- Letting the paint stay thick can add lovely texture when creating trees and wreaths!
- Use a hair dryer to speed up drying time - but be careful to hold down any nearby paper or it will fly away! Make sure there is an adult present to supervise.